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Charity Family Quiz Night

Charity Family Quiz Night

Saturday 21st April 2018 from 7.00 pm at St Hilda’s Church Room

quiz night

Teams suggested 4 – 6 people

£6 per person includes Ploughman’s supper with tea or coffee

Bring your own drinks

Tickets available at East Goscote Library




Proposed planning development on Melton Road

Gladman Developments are holding a public exhibition on Wednesday 7th March in the Village Hall for the proposed development of 300 houses on Melton Road, East Goscote.

Please come along from 5.00-7.45 pm to have a look at the proposals and have your say.


gladman development

Putting the “Fun” back into Run!

Thrussington Fun Run is back by popular demand and takes place on Saturday 3rd March from 2 pm.

The race is held by kind permission of the Rudkin Family and refreshments are available at the Village Hall.

The race is open to all ages from pre-school to 50+.  More information can be found on their website.

Other local fun runs coming up after that are Queniborough Fun Run on Saturday 10th March and Frisby Fun Run on Saturday 14th April

Changes at the Mahavir Medical Centre

With immediate effect Dr Darji will be leaving the practice to work overseas.  Dr Shah will be covering all the appointments until Dr Selvakumar joins in April.

Dr Selvakumar is looking forward to joining the practice and meeting all the patients.