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Please see the links below to consultations from the Parish Council, Borough Council and County Council.

Current Consultations

Leicestershire County Council (closing date 4th August): Draft Leicestershire Highway Design Guide | Leicestershire County Council

Closed Consultations

Charnwood Borough Council (closing date 13th June): Public Transport Survey

Leicestershire Police: Confidence Survey May 2024 (

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy (closing date 5th May): Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2024-2028 | Leicestershire County Council

Road Safety Strategy (closing date 22nd April): Road Safety Strategy | Leicestershire County Council

Recycling and Household Waste Sites (closing date 20th March): Proposed changes to recycling and household waste sites | Leicestershire County Council

Recycling and Household Waste Sites (closing date 24th January): Recycling and household waste sites | Leicestershire County Council

County Council Budget Proposals (closing date 17th January): 2024-28 budget proposals | Leicestershire County Council