East Goscote Parish Council
Minutes of a full Council Meeting held on Wednesday 7 October 2020 at 6.30pm via Zoom.
Cllr John Malpus (Chair) Cllr Martin Webbon
Cllr Michele Nelson
Cllr David Cannon
Cllr Carren Tate
Cllr Nick Shivers
L Pizer (Clerk) R Jones (Admin)
The Chairman asked that everyone present ensure that they are muted until such time that they wish to speak. He also stated that if in any item the Councillor declares their interest which requires them to leave the meeting, they should log off the meeting and then log back on to be in the waiting room to be re-admitted when the discussion ends.
20/106 Introduction of our new Admin Assistant
Cllr Malpus introduced our new Admin Assistant Miss Jones to all Councillors. She is working Monday, Tuesdays and Thursday between 9.30am and 12.30pm and is not available week commencing 12 October as she is attending the Clerks virtual training week hosted by the SLCC. Our Clerk is due to be absent on sick leave from October 13.
20/107 Matters arising from the Public (Meeting Adjourned)
20/108 Apologies for absence: Cllr Rod Axon, Cllr James Poland, Cllr S Gerrard, Cllr L Needham, Cllr Slack
20/109 To report any declarations of interest: Cllr Malpus re library and Long Furrow, Cllr
Cannon re the Long Furrow and Greener Goscote, Cllr Needham re the Library.
Cllr Shivers re the Village Hall and the Library.
Cllr Cannon proposed requesting further guidance regards interests from Adrian Ward at CBC. Cllr. Nelson preposed a virtual seminar via zoom
20/110 To confirm the minutes of the last full council meeting held on 9 Sept 2020
The minutes were agreed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings with one small amend.
The Chairman asked if all proposals can be precise.
20/111 Matters arising from the minutes
- 20/050 – Fencing – Broome Lane – One quote has been received – awaiting second quote.
- Mound – Asset Management – Clerk to provide Cllr Needham with information and discuss the situation. Thought weak roof, and resolved thought to be CBC responsibility to fix due to them being landlords
- 20/078 – Cllr Axon visited the school to discuss social distancing on the Weavers Wynd Path. Cllr Shivers said that parents continue to block the path for other residents. Cllr Axon will re-visit the school to inform them of the problems. Thought not as bad recently, parents hanging around gates the problem. Resolved to keep an eye on situation.
- 20/087 – Cllr. Malpus reminded all there is a 3 minute limit on speaking in standing orders and requested appropriate brevity of comments
- 20/088 Cllr. Malpus has been checking, Cllr. Nelson says she’s seen children squeezing through a gap in the fence. Resolved – RJ to ask Charlie (maintenance) to endeavor to close gap
- 20/086 – not a full response yet
- Bike racks – resolved – Cannon will get a picture to be forwarded to Paul Gilbert of a good location at the pavilion for bike racks. Paul will then convene a meeting.
- Lilac Way – tree complaint – resident has been contacted
- TPOs – to be discussed further later under trees in agenda
- Fogging machine – resolved, no desire, not progressing
- 20/103 – discussion regards dog bins, Cllr Shivers requested it added to next agenda for further discussion and decisions.
20/112 Matters arising from the Police
Cllr Malpus believes that the police are now able to attend Zoom meetings. A report will be circulated on Thursday 10 September.
Cllr Shivers said that we very rarely see the police on the village. Speeding is getting out of hand and he was very concerned that there was an incident of Firearms on the village. We seem to get little information from the police. Clerk to chase this up – have tried, and had no updates, try requesting again No further updates
20/113 County Councillors Report
Cllr Poland circulated his report prior to the meeting. This included:
20/114 Borough Councillors Report
Cllr Needham issued a written report prior to the meeting. Resolved – RJ action – to tell Laurie heard nothing from police regards a raid and ask her to raise this with police, ask her to chase for us all to get more information from the police
20/115 Reports from Reps on other Committees
VHMC –A meeting was held on 1 October 2020 and Cllr Shivers has issued a report to all Councillors. The hall continues to operate under Government Guidance. A new kitchen door is being fitted during half term. Girl guiding/Brownies hope to return to using the hall at the end of October.
LONG FURROW – October edition is being worked on.
PAV & PLAYING FIELD – Cllr Malpus and Nelson completed September’s check.
Cllr Malpus is due to complete the check for October.
NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH – Nothing to report initially, as thought subject to confidentiality – Cllr Tate to look into this further and report back at a later meeting. Later revisited – Cllr Tate shared an update just in, that a burglar from Sileby had just been arrested.
TREES – Cllr Webbon has circulated photographs and comments regarding one of our trees which has been pruned by a resident. It was noted that the resident was in receipt of our tree policy and was informed that he could trim the tree back to his boundary.
Cllr Malpus proposed and Cllr Nelson seconded, to send a carefully worded letter to resident indicating disappointment, Cllr Webbon and Cllr Malpus to arrange letter, all in favour.
Cllr Cannon proposed and Cllr Webbon seconded to go and ask the resident if they did chop trees, all in favour, Cllr. Webbon to action.
Cllr Webbon proposed and Cllr Malpus seconded to ask resident if they will clear and if not, to get Charlie (maintenance) to clear
TPOs, vote taken on whether to apply for TPOs for five trees. 4 in favour, 1 against, motion carried.
Cllr. Cannon provided a community garden update, and proposed he start a committee. All were in favour.
Cllr Nelson said that the tree pack which we applied for is due to arrive. The previous location is believed to be unsuitable and she asked if we could plant the trees at the side of the mound (by the fence). RESOLVED that we agree to this.
20/116 Proposed Accounts
Accounts to the sum of £4577.71 were accepted for October. These will be checked and signed off by the Chairman and Vice -chairman before payment is made.
Storage box item for discussion next agenda for potential purchase, estimated in the region of £100
20/117 Correspondence
A list of correspondence received was given out to all Councillors present
- Traffic order – Cllrs noted the closure of Broome Lane
- Charnwood have agreed to a cycle rack in front of our pavilion.
- Leicestershire Matters – Councillors to inform our County Councillor if they do not receive a copy.
- Woodland Trust – our tree pack is being delivered in November
- Request to leave our tennis court open (next agenda)
- Dogs on leads – problem occurred on our playing fields. – resolved, action RJ to write to CBC (Cllr. Malpus proposed) regards asking dog wardens to visit and regards latest definitions of ‘dogs under control’, and to ask LCC re updating faded signage (Cllr Nelson proposed). And to cc borough and county Cllrs (Cllr. Carren proposed). All in favour.
- Football request for charity match – Harold Smith request. Clr Webbon proposed let them have the pitch FOC as for charity. Cllr Malpus seconded with amendment of subject to risk assessment including specification of toilet cleaning in relation to Covid 19 risks. Cllr Nelson amended we direct them to the FA for guidance All in favour.
20/118 Planning Matters –
Cllr Malpus surmised not happy regards increase in house numbers in local plan, and a point to note towards local plan response
20/119 To consider our response to the planning white paper.
The Clerk has circulated various documents referring to the planning white paper and information regarding the affects of this.
RESOLVED (Cllr. Malpus proposed and Cllr. Nelson seconded) that a working party be formed to consisting of Cllr Cannon, Cllr Webbon meet and put together a response to this document and also work through the questions contained in the consultation. The deadline is 29 October 2020. First meeting 20 October Tuesday in library at 10am. Also suggestions that Cllrs Axon and Needham be invited.
20/120 Christmas Update
- To consider cost to install and remove Christmas lights on the tree.
The clerk informed councillors that she has received a quote of £ to install and remove the lights from the contractor who has carried out this work the past few years. RESOLVED to offer the job to the contractor.
- Christmas Events
Impacted by Covid. Cllr Nelson proposed a January tea party and a virtual santa experience. Resolved that events committee take these forwards.
20/121 Speeding Signs – To discuss three quotes and the installation cost
Cllr Webbon has obtained quotes from three companies to change the village entrance signs to ones which include 30/40mphr and “please drive carefully through our village”. The sign on Melton road could not include the speed, but could include a speed camera (LCC advice).
The cost of the signs was between £973 and £1117.17. LCC have said that they must install the new signs and for this the cost was
There is a budget of £2500 for these improved boundary signs. RESOLVED to appoint Moorlan to carry out the work for £1111.17, ‘bubble top’ design. Further resolved RJ action – write to LCC and CC James Poland County Cllr. Stating disappointment at prices and request breakdown justification of costs.
20/122 LCC cutting of grass verges/wildflower areas.
The Clerk confirmed that LCC have been in touch regarding the Wildflower verge scheme for 2021/22. The scheme offers Parish councils the opportunity to turn urban roadside verges into dedicated wildflower verges. They are joining forces with the BLUE campaign to promote rewilding urban verges. All participants will be given a blue heart symbol which will be staked in the ground to help communicate to residents that rewilding is in process. Applications should be submitted by 27th November 2020. Resolved Cllr. Cannon to action consultation and application response.
20/123 LCC – consider taking part in the Snow Warden scheme.
LCC are again launching this scheme and Parish councils are invited to take part. It is intended to provide local treatment of key footways during periods of prolonged snow and ice. We currently have our Caretaker who has previously carried out this duty and carried out the required training. LCC make a contribution of £6.89 per hour worked. Key areas have also previously been agreed. RESOLVED to again take part in this scheme. Cllr. Malpus proposed, Cllr. Webbon seconded. One against, all others in favour, motion carried.
20/124 Greener Goscote to take over the planting and maintenance of our driveway beds.
The Chairman confirmed that this request has previously been made by other organisations on our village. After some discussion, resolved, Cllr. Malpus proposed EGPC retain ownership and Greener Goscote take responsibility for planting, weeding, soil quality, and watering. With the caveat that the working party arrangement be reviewed on a six months basis. Cllr Webbon seconded. Cllr Nelson amended with a request that plants be FOC. All seemed in favour.
20/125 To arrange a date to consider next years’ precept.
RESOLVED that the finance committee meet (less than 6) on a Friday afternoon in the village hall. This was agreed and will be held on Friday November 20th at 1.30pm for consideration at our December meeting. Cllr. Malpus stated that should any Councillors wish to suggest any items for next year’s budget, please submit in writing to the Clerk prior to meeting date. Cllr Malpus proposed, Cllr Nelson seconded, resolved with no objections.
20/126 To arrange employee appraisals.
Employee appraisals are normally carried out in the winter. All members of the staffing committee are asked to complete appraisal forms for all members of staff.
It was agreed to hold the appraisals in December when the Clerk has returned to work.
The Chairman and Clerk to carry out the Caretaker and Admin Assistant appraisal, whilst the Chairman and Vice Chairman will hold the Clerks appraisal.
Resolved that staffing committee will get forms to complete and this will be actioned in December.
20/127 Budget Update.
The Clerk issued all Councillors with expenditure details to the end of September.
There were no questions.
20/128 Update from the Staffing Meeting (Standing order 18a invoked) Public and press are asked to leave the meeting. See confidential minute. – moved to end of meeting.
20/129 Maintenance
Bus shelter painting was raised, action RJ asked to ask Charlie (maintenance) to paint.
Raised beds painting discussion, this has been done.
20/130 Items approved for Expenditure
Boundary Signs, Wildflowers, Christmas light installation.
20/131 Urgent items by permission of the Chairman
Covid update – rising infections in Syston East to be aware of
Charnwood local heroes – please nominate
Sandbags – be aware of flood water liabilities if using
Members grants CBC, Cllr Needham advising more in time, £500 budget, £250 minimum, so two projects potential
LP will circulate CBC’s CEO’s presentation
LP advised objection letter to write
9pm – RJ asked to leave meeting as went into confidential for staffing matters
20/128 Update from the Staffing Meeting (Standing order 18a invoked) Public and press are asked to leave the meeting. See confidential minute.
- To consider office opening by appointment only (including Councillors)
The Chairman explained that on some mornings the office can have over 5 Councillors visiting along with members of the public, and the staff would prefer this to be managed under the current COVID situation. RESOLVED that with immediate effect, the office will be via appointment only.
Date of next Meeting: Wednesday November 11, 2020 at 6.30pm
The Meeting closed at 9.30 pm
- Pizer
8 October 2020
2021-01-21 13:23:03