Guided Walks
Wednesday 16th August 2023
Comments from Councillor Cannon: Wednesday 16th August was a lovely evening and an ideal setting for the first of our guided nature walks led by ecologist Dr Helen O’Brien and funded by Reaching People/LLRCF. An area of post-industrial land in the process of being reclaimed by nature was the focus of this walk, which Helen explained is a high priority category in ecological terms. There was a good turn out including parish councillors and staff so that we have a legacy of knowledge to pass on after the project is completed. Everyone appreciated the walk and we will never look at that area of our village in quite the same way again. We felt that we learned a lot and look forward to the remaining walks.
Saturday 16th September 2023
Comments from Councillor Cannon: This morning’s (16/9/23) Guided Nature Walk (courtesy of EGPC, Reaching People/LLRCF) was really enjoyable and so interesting. Ecologist Helen O’Brien focused on trees today, their enormous value in terms of climate, shade, air quality, habitat, amenity and so on. We looked at hedgerows and connectivity, invertebrates, mammals, amphibians (see toadlet photo) and birds and how they interrelate not to mention lichens, algae, mosses, health of trees, pollinators and possible enhancements. Thanks to all who turned out and made it the great experience it was. Looking forward to our third Guided Nature Walk.
Saturday 25th May 2024
For more information please contact the Parish Office on 0116 260 2202.