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Electric Car Club – Survey

Would you like to see the creation of an Electric Car Club in East Goscote?

The Parish Council is considering establishing an electric car club in conjunction with Green Fox Community Energy Co-operative, a local not-for-profit organisation who have secured funding to develop four electric car clubs in Leicestershire.

An electric car club allows users to access an electric vehicle without owning one and can offer a flexible, cost-effective alternative to private car ownership or leasing.

Initially we think this could be very beneficial to our community; as it would reduce emissions, assist people who don’t own a car, help with reduced public transport, and help tackle the cost-of-living crisis. As part of the project, fast charging points would be installed in our village.

How does it work?

Residents pay a monthly membership fee and an hourly rate to hire a car. A member books the car, picks it up from a dedicated parking bay, drives it and returns it to the start location at the end of their hire.

What’s next?

At this early stage we need to discover if residents would be interested in using an electric car club, so the Parish Council would like to gather feedback through a resident’s survey. Ideally, we would like as many people as possible to complete the survey, as the larger the response, the more representative the sample. Please use the link to access this: Residents Electric Car Club – Google Forms

Should you require a paper copy please contact the parish office.

 In order to for this project to run effectively the Council would also need the support of a group of residents interested in helping set this up. If this is something you would be interested in, then please get in touch with the parish office on 0116 260 2202 or email