East Goscote Parish Council
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
1926 – 2022
Message from East Goscote Parish Council Chair
East Goscote Parish Council and its Councillors and Officers were deeply saddened to learn about the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II on 8th September 2022, and wishes to extend its heartfelt condolences to the Royal Family.
As the UK’s longest reigning monarch, The Queen died at the age of 96 after 70 years of dedicated service to her country and the Commonwealth.
Book of Condolence
The Council recognises that members of the public will wish to pay their respects and a Book of Condolence has been placed in the library for people to sign.
(Library opening hours can be found here.)
Other Books of Condolence are available to sign at St. Hilda’s Church, Charnwood Borough Council’s main office in Southfield Road and Loughborough Town Hall.
You can also record a message of condolence on the Royal Family Website.